
Saturday, March 7, 2015

My Outdoor Office and Other Summer Dreams

I’m dreamin’ of warm summer days—aren’t we all?! A couple of nights ago the overnight forecast was for between zero and -5°…yes, that’s right: MINUS FIVE DEGREES! In March! Our grandchildren in southern Ohio have missed almost the entire last three weeks of school because of snow and or too-low temperatures!

BUT…it’s looking BETTER! Our local weatherman (the one we watch is a “he”) is now teasing us with a possible HEATWAVE of high 40s next week! Oh, joy! That has me thinking not of spring…no, I’m going in for the full SUMMER DREAMS!!!

As I glanced out to our snowy scene beyond our screened porch the other day my heart wished I could go sit out there for a spell (as you know, the screened porch is my favorite space in our cottage). I thought of the naps our babies (and yes, I too!) have taken out there, the quiet times sitting there doing “nothing” but being, the puttering and happy hours, rocking our babies out there as night falls, visits to blogging friends, birthday celebrated there…and yes, actually working out there.

Working is much more palatable when I can work here:

20140904_140431 Just look at that GREEN! Awash in sunshine! And in the protective shade of the porch, a blooming Gerbera daisy, and the happy/going-crazy purple flowers that I don’t know what they are (help! I’d love to know if  you know!!). I’ve had that plant—in the same pot!!—for at least 8 years! Sometimes, when she’s wintering indoors, she still blooms, but she’s happiest in the summer—just like I am!

20140904_140509 A close-up might helps those of you serious gardeners to help me identify her. The precious Gerbera was a birthday present from our grandchickadees last summer (yes, I even have a summer birthday—August—the HOTTEST month of the year, and perfect for me!).

DSCN4130This is the sweet note the chickadees’ sweet Mamá added to it: “Thank you for being such a good “Ata” and helping us bloom and grow! OXOX Happy Birthday.” Oh, this Ata does love that daisy!! (I used it in last summer’s Last Hurrah post here.)

But I digress…get me on the topic of summer and I’m off in every direction possible!

One beautiful August day last summer I was fortunate enough to be able to work from home, and as I do every chance I get, I took my laptop to my “outdoor office.” It occurred to me that I needed to capture the blessing—that very moment! Notice that there’s no fancy staging…no glistening glass of iced tea with lemon slices and a bit of mint from my garden. No lovely napkin, or coaster, or long and beautiful iced tea spoon. Just simple, easy, real life happening: Laptop, mouse, Bluetooth, Bible, pen and paper.

20140904_140558First…ahhhh…a moment (or two or three or more) to breathe, to read His Word, to reflect, to write, while basking in His glorious gifts.


20140904_140452My up-close view.

This winter I have been working hard to not complain much about His ways with the weather, as I know I don’t know much anything about His reasons. But even through my strongest effort He knows that in my little human heart I CAN.NOT.WAIT until I am feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling His summer gifts:

~ Bright sunshine (I dare not complain…we’ve had many sunny days this winter);

~ WARM sunshine;

~ Birds singing (they’re singing their little hearts out already; I think they’re as anxious as I am for summer days!);

~ The sound of gentle breezes murmuring through the leaves instead of winds howling through the bare branches;

~ Our wind chimes playing their soft, tinkling music in the breeze;

~ The scent of fresh grass and dirt waking from their long and frozen sleep.

Oh, and I’ve promised myself that I WILL.NOT complain about a hot summer! :)   Please hold me to that!

How ‘bout you? Are you as ready for spring and/or summer as I am? Are you dreaming in spring and summer colors yet? Are you the type who wants to be OUTSIDE every moment of summer? I kid that I’m like a little kid in the summer…I.DON’T.WANT.TO.COME.INSIDE!!!

Oh, and I’ve often wondered if my love for summer has anything to do with the fact that I was born in August. What do you think? Do you love the season in which you were born more than the others?


Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you’ll leave me a comment to let me know you were here—I’m thrilled to know you stopped by, and I’ll always visit back and comment too. If you like what you see, I invite you to follow me (I promise to follow back), and please—Pin away and follow me on Pinterest too! Thank you!!

NOTE: Some of the items I use in my posts are in my Etsy shop, but many are not, simply because I haven’t updated my shop. If you see something you like and wonder if it’s available for sale, email me at and let’s talk!

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From my nest to yours~



  1. Zuni, if my Renaissance Man were home, I'd ask him about your purple plant, but since he isn't, you're out of luck with me! I'm sure one of your readers will be able to help you.

    As for your perfect spot to work... the first thing I noticed was your Bible. Perhaps it's because I was just getting ready to send you this post and thank you for being a blogger who's willing to let your faith "show" in your posts. Instead, I'll just say iit here in front of God and everybody. :-)

    I appreciate that Chickadee Home Nest is a place where I'm invited to share beauty, family, and friendship all within the holy confines of faith and gratitude. Thank you! I've recently read several comments on various decorating blogs saying something to the effect of "Since your blog is mostly decorating, I keep coming back. I just skip your God posts." When I read those words, I prayed that the bloggers wouldn't be discouraged but rather keep letting their faith be part of their blog. I hope you will, too!

    I know this comment is already long, but as I type, I hear my neighbor outside working in the yard. It sounds like Springtime!

  2. Zuni, I wish that I could be as enthusiastic as you regarding summer! I, too, am sick of winter this year, but dread the heat that is coming to Georgia, before long! I love the idea of working outside on a screened-in porch (a definite necessity in the south). I do love to read on my porch, during the day, before the heat is too much for me. Your are right, though, about God's beautiful world. He entices me to look toward summer by giving me the most gorgeous springs - azaleas, dogwoods, wisteria and cherry blossoms (my city celebrates the cherry blossoms with a huge festival each year). I hope your spring is not too far away!!

  3. Hi Zuni,

    It sounds to me as if you're a candidate to move to my state--Florida! I sure love it.

    Thanks for playing today. Please correct my link to read:
    Blue Monday at

    Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Oh how wonderful to be able to work outside on your porch and just enjoy. Especially when you have such a beautiful view! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. I am totally a summer girl as well, and these pictures put some pep in my step this morning just thinking about it!

  6. Yes, I'm dreaming of summer even though it will come with 100+ degree temperatures. Somehow the sunshine and long hours of daylight make it all okay. For years I've tried to come up with a plan for a screened in porch, but cannot. I would love to sit in one while it was raining in the summer. Dreams...


  7. Would love to have a beautiful screened porch like that Zuni. Here you are having crazy cold weather and we are having breaking warm temps. It has been a very unusual year for a lot of people. Love your pretty plants. Can't tell for sure what the purple one is without a closer look. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

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