
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Furniture Rearranging

Several months ago we thought it was time for Baby Love to start piano lessons, so of course it was a package deal—the piano had to go along with the lessons, so our piano now lives at her house. It’s the piano her Papá and uncle used to learn practice ummmmm spend our money—that’s what it was!—so it seemed only right that she have it now. It didn’t get played much at our house, and when we had it tuned recently we were pleasantly surprised to learn that it’s in very good condition!

Once the piano was gone, it gave me the opportunity to re-think our furniture arrangement. It had been a focal point in our home, and I had loved using it for vignettes (if not for playing, LOL). Here’s where it was~


We played musical furniture (thank heavens for those slider-disk things!), and our vintage buffet came to the former piano spot…that was it! Loved it! That’s where it needed to live! ~~

DSCN8524 And guess what’s gracing the sterling punch bowl my MIL gifted us many years ago?! Hydrangeas, of course! Today was a perfectly beautiful day, so I took advantage of the beautiful weather to harvest more of them for future use—I’m thinking Christmas, but my ideas are still a secret (to me too!—I’m thinking…I’m thinking…).




I thought you might be curious about the three pictures to the left of the buffet. The top picture is of my parents happily walking down the aisle after their wedding. The second is a portrait of my mother and me, taken in our home in Havana, and the last is of me with my father at the beach—in perfectly clear water (also in Cuba).


The move of the buffet created a void, of course, and after more musical furniture we settled on my MIL’s writing desk. It had been living in our bedroom (it’s the surface you see in The Nook and Old Ladder post {HERE}). Now it provides me with the opportunity to gather some blue and white~~

DSCN8491 The vase on the desk is another perfect vessel for drying more hydrangeas. The black-and-white pictures are a collection my husband and I put together at our other house and repeated it in this home. It’s a collection of pictures of us and the generations before us. (Some adjustments need to be made to the collage, since I had to take some of them down with the new furniture piece.) Sometimes we talk about taking them down and doing something different there…we’ll see, but it’s interesting to me that after so many years of having them up I still enjoy looking at them. For example, there’s a picture of my beloved grandmother holding my baby brother and I’m sitting real close, right next to her. There’s one of my husband eating an ice cream cone that’s almost as big as he is, and an 8x10 of him deep-sea fishing with his parents in Mexico. Lots of good memories.

DSCN8494 The sunlight was playing its lovely games when I walked in the room, and I quickly grabbed my camera.

DSCN8509 Aren’t they drying beautifully? I know many of you dry your hydrangeas—how have you used them? Have you used them for any Christmas decorations?

DSCN8506 I’ve been on the hunt for blue-and-white bowls, and recently I found this beauty at the antique shop where my SIL has a booth. Guess how much?? I HAVE to share the price because it’s so pretty and it was such a buy--$6.00!! It has no flaws, and the gold rim and base are perfect. See the reflection on the desk?

DSCN8498 The rest of the vignette—blue and white plates on brass plate racks/candleholders. I got these candleholders years and years ago, I think from the Pier 1 catalog, because I wanted to display not only our boys’ Bunnykins plates, but also their mugs, and I was able to hang the mugs from the arms. It was a precious vignette in our other dining room. (Hmmmm…I wonder if I have a picture of them? They wouldn’t be digital, that’s for sure.)


I’m looking forward to your ideas on how to use dried hydrangeas, so please share them with me, and if you have pictures, please share those too! I can’t wait!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you’ll leave me a comment to let me know you were here—I read every single one of them! And if you like what you see a lot, maybe you’d like to Google+ this post or pin it on Pinterest too! Thank you!

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From my nest to yours~



  1. Everything looks so good where you place the furniture.

  2. Very pretty, Zuni! Moving the piano out has given you an opportunity to move things around and appreciate them in a new way. Love the buffet there and the writing desk is a lovely piece. It's amazing one just moving one piece causes "musical furniture" to take place! I had that going on here, as well, last week when we got a new bed for our master.

  3. Oh you have such a beautiful home, Zuni! And so light and bright. I wish I had bunches of hydrangeas to dry! I love the way they look. So glad you stopped by to get acquainted. Thanks for your lovely comment!

  4. Zuni we need a close up of those photos! I like how you rotated your furniture. Nice job!

  5. I love the new arrangement. The sun dancing on the table and hydrangeas is lovely and that bowl...what a treasure, what a deal!
    Have a blessed week, Ginger

  6. Zuni - I still miss the piano that I gave to my daughter and family, but losing it did create some nice decorating opportunities! I love what you did with your space - it looks terrific. I was drawn to all of the photos and loved seeing the ones from Cuba - I am so glad that you have them!!

  7. Beautiful rearrangements of furniture! Your hydrangeas are very pretty too. . Christine

  8. Love the buffet and the desk in their new locations and the vignettes are fabulous. Unreal buy on that bowl too. Such a fabulous find. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. I love the idea of using a punch bowl to decorate. They take up so much room storing them so why not use it. Brilliant!

  10. Hola Zuni,
    Me encanto como lucen ahora tus muebles. Todo hermoso y de muy buen gusto, las fotos que tomaste me encantaron, tienes un excelente estilo al momento de captar las imagenes. Hoy tambien anduve yo de "caceria" por Blue Ware y me encontre una coleccion completa en Goodwill por solo $10.00 yay!!!
    En cuanto a las hydrangeas se ven fabulosas en los jarrones, como es que las secas? Yo tengo 7 hydrangeas y nunca he podido lograr que queden grandes al secarse pues se encojen demasiado, como lo haces tu?
    Me dio mucho gusto recibir tu ultimo correo y tambien me da gusto venir a visitarte y ver tantas cosas tan lindas que tienes en tu blog.
    Te mando un abrazo con mucho cariño,
    Tu amiga
    Laura :-)

  11. I think this time of year has all of us fluffing our nests. Love your new vignettes, especially the punch bowl and the blue and white.

  12. I liked the arrangement of the furniture and I too would like to do the same arrangement in my house as I was searching a good image to get a reference of arranging the furniture.
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  13. Hi Zuni,

    So nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!

    I think you found the perfect place both for your vintage buffet and your MIL's writing desk! They are both such traditionally beautiful pieces. Your blue and white collection is very pretty, especially filled with those delicate petals!

    Have a happy weekend!


  14. Once you start moving stuff around, there's no stopping, is there? You did a wonderful job.

    I am your newest follower.


  15. Love the new arrangement and think your photos are so awesome. I love being surrounded by memories. Thanks for linking with TTF.

  16. Thanks for sharing on The Creative Home & Garden Hop...hope to see you again today!

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